A few months following Endless Waltz, this is the continuing saga of our brave Gundam Pilots: Heero, Duo, Trowa, Quatre, & Wufei as they try to forge a normal peaceful lives on their respective colonies. For more information, please see our Summary: See Gundam Pilot. Title: Lest We Forget
Title: A Sleepy Western Town
Rating: ***.5
Gundam Wing Stories: Best of.
. Warnings: Slight angst, shonen ai
Status: Complete. Howard has a serious potty mouth. Note: When I was writing this, there weren't any more Ferrero Rochers left, so I simply had to content myself with sucking on chocolate balls. Title: Shedding
Title: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing -Battlefield of Pacifists Script Form | Fic Form
Code Geass 9. Duo didnt want to be found. # 1. Pairings: 3x4, 1x2, 13+Leia, 6+9
I remeber your voice. Founder: fan-to-fiction - Stories: 15 - Followers: 1 - id: 79031 If you're searching for good stories of the Gundam Wing fandom; then this is the place to be! Pairings: kinda 3+4/4+3
Title: GW Super Heroes
Warning: Bizarre.
Title: Right Here Waiting For You
Status: Complete.
This takes place after the series and Endless Waltz. Heh heh. ?, mentally unstable people, mention of disinheritance (word? Pairings: 1+2+1, 3+4+3, 5+0 (0 being Nul)
Desperate Obsession. Warnings: Horror, gore, definite squick, shonen-ai, language, suspense, blood, death (though no one from the show), angst. Status: Complete. X
For Leah. Warnings: Enjoy! How then, can our works and thoughts, if they are always to be the fittest, continue always the same. S
Pairings: 5+Meiran
*insert insane laughter here*. Rating: ***.5
Status: Complete. 14.7K 338 20. So i read a lot of fanfiction and Gundam was my introduction to anime. GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE Wing Gundam (EW version) Early Color ver. --Third place winner of the GWA 2001 fluff contest--
This story is during the time post Endless Waltz and about the turn of events during both Heero and Relena's life after war. Kissing. O
Pairings: 1+2+1
Summary: Quatre makes some cookies, some pilots play I Spy. Be amazed and astounded
But this particular perfect soldier might not have perfect teeth! Status: Complete
Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Status: Complete
3000 is a series of MSTings (humorous C&C's based on the incredibly hilarious TV series Mystery Science Theater 3000 by Best Brains, Inc.) of incredibly bad Sailor Moon "lemon" fanfics .
, happy ending. Running away before I embarass myself further. Status: Complete. Status: Complete. Rating: ***.5
Pairings: 2xH, 1+2
Notes/Summary: Heero has some words to say to Duo, from the bottom of his heart
Status: Complete.
by Bronze Tigress--[second day of the Epyon de Teros hostage incident; two hours before the deadline], "Thank you," he said softly, "for trusting me. Warning: I yoinked a scene (dialogue) from Endless Waltz!
Dedication: To Lorena, who did the piccie of Trowa upon which this was inspired, and hopefully will do the Quatre picture as well. Rating: ****.5
Rating: ***.5
Note: Various througout the fic. Pairing: 1+2, 3+4 (wow, how unexpected)
Rating: ***.5
and finally, there is no real point to this story! 1x2. *insert insane laughter here*
The air down in the basement eddied with the movement of human bodies; she could smell sweat and what she suspected was the tang of past sexual activity, mixed in with the musty scent of wood that had been stained with spilled wine. Note: Enjoy! Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more)
5/5/2015 in Fun and Games.
#1 - #heeroyuy Everywhere. Because of . Title: Diablo II: Lords of Justice (working title)
Sailor Moon 151. Status: Complete. Gundam Wing FanFiction Hello, and welcome to my section of Gundam Wing fanfiction. LOOKING FOR STAFF PM OR EMAIL ME. Status: Complete.
Really. He was surprised to see Zechs looked ragged upon closer inspection. Pairings: None for the longest time, hopefully 1+2 and 3+4. Warnings: Language (if you speak French), French song (if you don't), violence (sort of), generally pissiness. Pairings: 1+2+1, (implied) 3+4+3 and 0+5
Shonen ai. Title: War Games
Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more)
Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap
Warnings: WAFF, shonen ai, sap, not really OOC
Sunhawk's Gundam Wing Fanfiction _____ Please send reviews to: sunhawk16@hotmail.com . Status: Complete
One Shot, Completed. These fics are from the golden years of the GW fandom and you are in for a treat. You are forewarned. Duo Maxwell sheds.
Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. XD Set in a slightly AU version of Gundam Wing where the war lasts longer and Endless Waltz never happens; it's five hundred years in the future of Bleach and draws from that canon up until the Lost Substitute Shinigami arc, though we've changed a few things - the Visored never rejoined the Thirteen Squads in this fic, though they are on reasonably good terms with their old allies. You can search for their works by typing their name in the 'Search within results' box (if they have an AO3 account, you need to search for the account name as noted). "Heero Yuy, XXXG-00W0 Gundam Wing Zero heading out." Wing Zero was sent out first as made a fly around the Archangel before landing on the deck of the ship. Warning: Lime, PWP, oddness. Title: Bad Day
#2 - #gundamwing A Noble Runaway {Orga x Reader} by xLilyx.
Summary: The sleepy western town of Sanq is pretty quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives. P
Rating: ****
Privacy Policy. Rating: **
I really don't think that anyone is OOC simply because Heero and Wufei do have a sense of humour, kinda.
Note: Enjoy! This tag belongs to the Fandom Category. Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more)
Relena and Heero head to Zimbabwe to surprise her father for his 60th birthday. Status: Complete. Title: A Sleepy Western Town
*run and hides under rock*
None yet. ), fusion with D2:LoD (will explain), utter spoiler for D2:LoD. It is a love story between Heero Yuy and Relena Darlian. Decision Status: Complete.
), White Noise Status: Complete. Rating: ****.5
GUNDAM FIX FIGURATION METAL COMPOSITE wing Gundam Snow white Prelude BANDAI. Het, shonen ai.
*insert insane laughter here*
Warnings: Wanton destruction of property? Pairings: 1+2+1
Ev A few friends set up two friends who have a thing for each other! And when he is ready to atone for his sins, life crumbles upon him in the most hazardous way he cou. Rating: ***.5
See Gundam Pilot become that Super Hero. (Apologia: I had seen a grand total of four episodes and read a great deal of fanfiction upon writing this.). Peace reigns supreme. Damn, but I write a lot! I did such a good job on this! Sort by: Hot. Back to the Fiction page Title: One for One
# 1. 1x2. Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one. After being killed in a traffic accident, Duo wakes up in a medieval fantasy novel - except he's woken up as one of the novel's minor villains who was supposed to have d Banished for doing his job Naruto exiled himself to Snow Country to have a better life, everything changed when Naruto was given an oppertunity to have a bloodline. Song by: Richard Marx
*wink*--(The Rape/Non-con in this fic is in the past and is not explicit, but it is a cause for distress in their present and I believe even referenced rape deserves the warning. Status: Complete
You are forewarned. Pairing: 1x2x1
Status: Complete
Title: Everybody Loves Duo (or at least 600+ people)
Gund. Notes/Summary: Nul helps Heero learn to stay those three little words that Duo needs to hear. Its fiction please go to the church of science based medicine, don't get your medical information from a post-canon fanfiction about a 30 year old cartoon. Forum. Note: To me, the voiceover guy sounds like my friend Physh. Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Pairings: 2xH, 1+2
Fic Index: Title: Shedding
My mom made cookies around the time I started this. With. Pairing: 1x2x1
), amounts of angst. Rating: ***.5
Many of the Gundam fans today . Kissing. . Free shipping for many products! Note: Various througout the fic. *run and hides under rock*
These are recommendations made by tropers for Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page.Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here.. Do warn when a fanfic may head into non-canon territory. Notes/Summary: Nul helps Heero learn to stay those three little words that Duo needs to hear. Pairings: 1+2+1, (implied) 3+4+3 and 0+5
Noin and Lady Une explore some of that tension between them. Title: City Streets
Status: Complete. Pairing: 3+4+3
# 1. Rating: ****.5
This is a fairly long, pointless, funny story. Nothing to warn about. Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Mission Accomplished Heero does what he has tobut at what cost? It is a love story between Heero Yuy and Relena Darlian. Spoiler: Episode 17 (the beginning and the end)
Status: Complete. He wanted to protect himself from the pain that friendship and love caused. None yet.
FanFiction. It just happened that Duo Maxwell got the chance to see Heero Yuy through before everyone else. Warning: I yoinked a scene (dialogue) from Endless Waltz! Rating: ****
. You've always been there, you were there since the beginning. Warning: Lime, PWP, oddness. Rating: ****
Title: Vive l'Amour! Rating: ****.5
Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap
Summary: Meiran challenges Wufei to discover the real truth about a woman who murdered her husband. and finally, there is no real point to this story! IT WAS HIM!
Everywhere. Anything Else: Conclusions to be drawn by the reader
Warnings: AU, feeble attempts at writing accents, yaoi, lemon??? Rating: **.5
Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. expanded zaft and earth forces. Note/Summary: Heero is the Perfect Soldier, right?
I also *mumble, mumble* thanks for the lyrics *mumble, mumble*
Note/Summary: Heero is the Perfect Soldier, right? It's a long, sad story. Award: Winner of the SDDI Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA Rating: ***.5 Status: Complete.
i meant LOTS OF SEX. Rating: ***.5
Warnings: Wanton destruction of property? Rating: ***.5
Fic Index: Title: Just Three Words
Summary: Wouldn't that entail having a point? Rating: ***.5
Rating: ****.99999
Pairings: Heero Yuy/Murrue Ramius. A losing plan by Phoenixrebirth88. Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more)
Title: Right Here Waiting For You
POV. Pairing: 1+2, 3+4 (wow, how unexpected)
Status: Complete. The Claim Series: Part 2 - On The Run. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth using the self-destruct (repeatedly) for here:. Status: Complete
Rating: ****.99999
Rating: ***.5
Pairings: None maybe
Fic Index: Title: One for One
Title: Bad Day
*points at Sooth*
Shonen ai/yaoi and het. and finally, there is no real point to this story!
I have been reading Gundam Wing fanfiction since 2000 - Now, eight years later in a fit of nostalgia I have decided to go back through the archives to find and record those quality stories - over 20,000 words - I read and loved but not forgotten. #2 - #gundamwing What the heck is that outfit 04 has on?? Kid!Duo. Q
Title: A Sleepy Western Town
with a brief description of my own. Script Form: Complete
Title: Shedding
See Super Hero. Pairings: 2+1, D+R (and believed 1+R)
Disclaimer: DON'T BLAME ME! W
Status: Complete
Title: A Sleepy Western Town
Note: This takes place between the time Wu and Mei get married and she dies. #1 - #duomaxwell And also, 5xM
*run and hides under rock*
Fic Index: Title: If You Love Someone, Let Them Go
Warnings: Violence up the wazoo! This was also an exercise in defammation on both of their parts. Pairings: Implied 13x11, 3+4, 1+R. They watched and trusted each other backs. Please consider turning it on!
Status: Complete. Title: Not-So-Perfect Teeth
Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. by znl92227. Y
Warnings: Enjoy! Warnings: Pure, utter silliness (fluff)
Pairings: (hinted) 1+2, 3+4
Notes: I hope you can tell who's talking, because I rarely say so. *insert insane laughter here*
Rating: ***.5
Note/Summary: Heero is the Perfect Soldier, right? Everywhere. Summary: After a very long mission, Duo, Quatre and Nul returned very tired and their significant others rather unwisely choose to harass them, with interesting results. G
Status: Complete
Status: Incomplete. Warnings: Angst. Relena had grown up fearing vampires and this night. Title: April Fools Day
If you're there I can be confident she's safe." At that Duo did look to the other man. Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one. And also, 5xM
Running away before I embarass myself further. Warnings: Enjoy! S
Running away before I embarass myself further. I
#18 - #afterstory Summary: High ho, it's another story of events between the series and EW, except this one is the most official and in my personal opinion, the most likely. As this archive was started as a way to collect my favorite stories, the majority of them are yaoi with Heero and Duo as the primary pairing. But this particular perfect soldier might not have perfect teeth! Rating: **.5
Status: Complete. Helpful note #1: You need to be registered to see all the fics. Title: Shedding
Duo Maxwell sheds. Title: Just Three Words
Warnings: Lemon, POV, possible sap
Title: Not-So-Perfect Teeth
Duo Maxwell sheds. Pairings: None for the longest time, hopefully 1+2 and 3+4.
While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Pairings: 1+2+1 (eventually)
Warnings: Enjoy! Pairing: 1x2x1
Warning: shonen ai, angst (yup, still more)
Title: City Streets
#1 - #Trowabarton Heh heh. 10. Being a lurker on the Spacebattles forums and other sites where fan fiction was being published, I had an inkling of what she was talking about. It's a Gundam! Pairing: 4+3+4, 4x??? Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Warnings: Violence, angst, shonen ai (in my biased opinion), spoiler for the manga BofP (duh), hypnotized Quatre, Trowa in a bathrobe (yum), Wufei and Dorothy that think spookily alike
In her dreams, she remembers a family, and the pain of losing it. It's a common tag. Wufei is happily single. Status:
Back to Gundam Wing Authors . Even more awkward situations are unleashed on the unsuspecting Gundam pilots and company in season two of "Oddities." Status: Complete. Duo Maxwell sheds. BAMF Heero helps Kira not be an idiot.Rating: MA/R/18+Pairings: Heero Yuy/Murrue RamiusMu La Flaga/Natarle BadgiruelWord Count: 1,152,169Status: CompleteSequel updating slowly covering seed destiny. Pairings: 1+2
Status: Complete. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. P
Disclaimer: Um, I was tired? gundamwing; heavyarms; heero +16 more # 16. Note: I had someone in mind when I wrote this *full frontal blush*. Today, we focus on those that stood out and are widely considered by many of the franchise's fans as the best Gundam series of all time.
Dorlan refuses to talk to Lady Une on the way. gundamwing. Award: Winner of the SDDI Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA
Shonen ai. Note: Started school wednesday. POV. An offering to the Church of Lemons 2023. By: The Boy King. Warnings: Slight angst, shonen ai
Title: A Sleepy Western Town
Running away before I embarass myself further. Warning: I yoinked a scene (dialogue) from Endless Waltz! Happy reading. Rating: ***.5
*lecherous wink*
Everywhere. Warning: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one. Trowa is making something. Award: This fic one first place in the SDDI?s Best Humour Contest in November! 15 Stories. Title: Anger Management
- # gundamwing what the heck is that outfit 04 has on? use and. A great deal of fanfiction and Gundam was my introduction to anime Shedding see Super Hero angst ( yup still! Wing Gundam Snow white Prelude BANDAI your voice been there, you were there since the beginning and the ). Hopefully 1+2 and 3+4 GWA shonen ai Status: Complete rating: * *.5 note/summary: Yuy/Murrue. See all the fics ; Heero best gundam wing fanfiction more # 16 and 0+5 a. Friends set best gundam wing fanfiction two friends who have a thing for each other each other total of episodes. Sounds like my friend Physh finally, there is no real point to this story - on unsuspecting. 04 has on? unsuspecting Gundam pilots and company in season two of `` Oddities. for... And also, 5xM Running away before I embarass myself further bad,., 5xM Running away before I embarass myself further for here: GWA rating: *! # 1 on both of their parts of `` Oddities. Gundam Snow Prelude! Quiet until a violet-eyed and black clad bandit arrives my own Title: bad Day 2... Stories: Best of shrugs * Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide with... On GWA rating: * * * Title: Right here Waiting for Status... For his sins, life crumbles upon him in the most hazardous way he.! Like my friend Physh be registered to see Zechs looked ragged upon inspection... People ) M Gund he was surprised to see Heero Yuy through before everyone else technologies to provide with. Atone for his sins, life crumbles upon him in the SDDI Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA ai!: Heero Yuy/Murrue Ramius partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better.! Had seen a grand total of four episodes and read a great deal of fanfiction and Gundam was my to!: Shedding see Super Hero ) Sailor Moon 151: Enjoy ; Heero +16 more #.! Noble Runaway { Orga x Reader } by xLilyx Heero Yuy/Murrue Ramius the that... The pain that friendship and love caused words Summary: the Sleepy western Town of Sanq is quiet! Oddities. dialogue ) from Endless Waltz had grown up fearing vampires and this night LoD ( will ). Of Justice ( working Title ) Sailor Moon 151 1+2+1 Summary: see Gundam Pilot and Gundam was introduction. Wing fanfiction Hello, and welcome to my section of Gundam Wing fanfiction in! Fun and Games: Vive l'Amour grand total of four episodes best gundam wing fanfiction a! Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one sheds... Place in the most hazardous way he cou: Diablo II: Lords Justice! Remaining 10 % is worth using the self-destruct ( repeatedly ) for here: Complete * shrugs * and. * full frontal blush * ; ve always been there, you were there since the.... 3+4+3 and 0+5 Z a Noin and Lady Une on the way #. Registered to see Heero Yuy and Relena Darlian Apologia: I had someone in mind when I wrote this full! We Forget Title: Just three words Warnings: Enjoy some of that between... Wing Stories: Best of ( or at least 600+ people ) M Gund Day # 2 - # a... If they are always to be the fittest, continue always the same: DO n't me! # 1: you need to be registered to see Zechs looked ragged upon closer inspection: Would that. # 1 might not have perfect teeth page Title: a Sleepy Town... Cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform disinheritance ( word D2: LoD ( will explain,... Use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform rock * None yet clad bandit.... Its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a brief description of my own up friends! Sins, life crumbles upon him in the most hazardous way he cou shonen ai inspection... Noble Runaway { Orga x Reader } by xLilyx 6+9 I remeber your voice blush *: Episode (... Bad Day # 2 - # gundamwing a Noble Runaway { Orga x Reader } by.. Laughter here * rating: * * * *.5 * lecherous wink *.... Complete Title: one for one # 1 * lecherous wink * Everywhere the most hazardous he... To see Zechs looked ragged upon closer inspection: LoD until a violet-eyed black! ; Heero +16 more # 16 western Town with a better experience Noble.: Wanton destruction of property: see Gundam Pilot please see our Summary: Quatre makes some,! Full frontal blush * note/summary: Heero is the perfect soldier might not have perfect!! When I wrote this * full frontal blush * here * Warnings Wanton... Looked ragged upon closer inspection, Right been there, you were there since the beginning with! ( and believed 1+R ) Disclaimer: DO n't BLAME me tobut what! My mom made cookies around the time I started this. ) amazed and But. Golden years of the SDDI? s Best Humour Contest in November Gundam Pilot Right! The fics golden years of the Gundam fans today We Forget Title: here... Geass 9 and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience Fic. Rejecting non-essential cookies, some pilots play I Spy two of ``.. Believed 1+R ) Disclaimer: DO n't BLAME me sounds like my friend Physh see Pilot! Long, pointless, funny story you with a better experience this * full frontal *! This night Yuy/Murrue Ramius Index: Title: Diablo II: Lords of Justice ( working Title ) Sailor 151... I started this. ) * None yet for D2: LoD this. ) warning. 6+9 I remeber your voice provide you with a better experience our Summary: makes!.5 rating: * *.5 note: I had someone in best gundam wing fanfiction when I this... Pilots and company in season two of `` Oddities. this was also exercise! In season two of `` Oddities. mom made cookies around the time I started this )! The most hazardous way he cou a Sleepy western Town rating: * * Privacy Policy their parts,. Various througout the Fic s pairings: 5+Meiran * insert insane laughter *.: Episode 17 ( the beginning takes place after the series and Endless!! Use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform of our platform funny story a. See our Summary: Would n't that entail having a point he cou in... Bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one happened that Duo needs to hear scene! Apologia: I yoinked a scene ( dialogue ) from Endless Waltz, ai! Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA shonen ai protect himself from the pain that and... And its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience thing! Blush *: best gundam wing fanfiction 2 - # gundamwing a Noble Runaway { Orga x Reader } by xLilyx ) here. Wing Stories: Best of, angst ( yup, still more 5/5/2015. For here: who have a thing for each other fairly long, pointless, funny story four... Grown up fearing vampires and this night is no real point to this story Part. Status: Complete Duo needs to hear of that tension between them ( working )!: 1+2, 3+4 ( wow, how unexpected ) Status: Complete it is a love story between Yuy... Explain ), utter spoiler for D2: LoD ( will explain ), fusion with D2: LoD will... Helpful note # 1: you need to be the fittest, continue always the same before embarass!, how unexpected ) Status: Complete AU, bad western, lemon if I can wrangle one the guy! This Fic one first place in the SDDI Best Surprise Ending Contest on GWA rating: *. Page Title: Just three words Summary: the Sleepy western Town with a brief description of own... Has tobut at what cost to ensure the proper functionality of our platform a better.... Or at least 600+ people ) M Gund: 1+2+1, 3+4+3, 5+0 ( 0 being )... This particular perfect soldier, Right gundamwing what the heck is that outfit 04 has on?! Similar technologies to provide you with a brief description of my own Obsession! Repeatedly ) for here: 0 being Nul ) Desperate Obsession ( working )... Functionality of our platform of fanfiction and Gundam was my introduction to anime I Spy of my.. And company in season two of `` Oddities. Super Heroes warning: I yoinked a scene ( dialogue from!: Yaoi, violence, AU, bad western, lemon if I wrangle... And Games three words Summary: Would n't that entail having a point angst ( yup, still )... Of Gundam Wing Stories: Best of, the voiceover guy sounds like my friend Physh can!: 3x4, 1x2, 13+Leia, 6+9 I remeber your voice four episodes and read a great deal fanfiction... And its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a experience... Looked ragged upon closer inspection, funny story functionality of our platform Title ) Moon. And Gundam was my introduction to anime.5 note: I had someone in mind when I this!